Batsi poulane tin iroini, I(1989)

又名:アキハバラ@DEEP / akihabara@deep

主演:风间俊介 生田斗真 北村一辉 


Batsi poulane tin iroini, I:剧情介绍

西虹影视为您提供1989年由风间俊介 生田斗真 北村一辉 主演,大根仁 导演的《Batsi poulane tin iroini, I》/原名《》/又名《アキハバラ@DEEP / akihabara@deep》电影在线观看,《Batsi poulane tin iroini, I》百度云网盘资源以及《Batsi poulane tin iroini, I》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Batsi poulane tin iroini, I》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Officer Georgiou is transfered from Evros to Athens. When the drug smugglers rape and kill his wife and daughter, he goes after bloody revenge by shooting the guilty ones in the genitals!

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