Little Sweetheart(1989)

主演:约翰·赫特 凯伦·杨 

导演:Anthony Simmons 


Little Sweetheart:剧情介绍

西虹影视为您提供1989年由约翰·赫特 凯伦·杨 主演,Anthony Simmons 导演的《Little Sweetheart》电影在线观看,《Little Sweetheart》百度云网盘资源以及《Little Sweetheart》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Little Sweetheart》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Having embezzled a small fortune and attempting to lay low, Robert Burger (Sir John Hurt) and his mistress Dorothea (Karen Young) choose a remote rental property which in unobtrusive. But they soon make the grave mistake of befriending two nine-year-old girls, Thelma (Cassie Barasch) and Elizabeth (Ellie Raab), who live close by. Behind her seemingly cute and innocent façade, Thelma is a scheming, precocious brat who intrudes upon the couple's life and photographs the pair and ultimately discovers their dark little secret. With Elizabeth's help, they proceed to blackmail the bemused, unsuspecting twosome. But events eventually begin to unravel leading the pseudo-angelic brat to resort to twisted and evil crimes, meaning the lives of those associated with her gradually descend in to Hell.

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