幻觉之书The Book of Vision(2020)

上映日期:2020-09-02(威尼斯电影节) / 2021-07-08(意大利)片长:95分钟

主演:查尔斯·丹斯 洛特·弗贝克 斯瓦利尔·古德纳松 薇拉·菲拉托 



Plot Summary:Eva, a promising young doctor, leaves her brilliant career to study History of Medicine in a remote university. Now is the time for her to call everything into question: her nature, her body, her illness, and her sealed fate. Johan Anmuth is an 18th-century Prussian physician in perpetual conflict between the rise of rationalism and ancient forms of animism. The Book of Vision is a manuscript that sweeps these two existences up, blending them into a never-ending vortex. Far from a proper scientific text, the Book contains the hopes, fears, and dreams of more than 1800 patients. Dr. Anmuth truly knew how to listen to his patients whose spirits still wander through the pages, life and death merging in a continuous flow. The story of Anmuth and his patients inspire Eva to live her life to the fullest. Nothing expires in its time. Only what you desire is real, not merely what happens.


心路飞扬 • 奇幻文艺片。不妄加罪名,不恣意妄断,就算专横强权一时占据优势,但是在岁月里,也不过就是泛黄书卷里一笔带过的诙谐故事而已


栓识吧 • 这几乎涵盖了所有可能存在的影视讨论
