

主演:杉田智和 阪口大助 钉宫理惠 中井和哉 铃村健一 小林优  

导演:高松信司 藤田阳一 松尾衡 宅野诚起 吉村爱 小仓宏文 宫胁千鹤 森胁真琴 南康宏 马引圭 山崎茂 畑博之 三宅和男 绵田慎也 吉村文宏 山田弘和 大脊户聪 菱川直树 宫原秀二 高木茂树 长滨亘彦 安藤正臣 编剧:大和屋晓 Akatsuki Yamatoya/空知英秋 Hideaki Sorachi





日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 [WEBHD]银魂(大陆公映双语) Gintama.2017.R6.WEB-DL.1080P&216
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 2006 - Gintama
2019-05-11 2006 - Gintama
2019-05-11 Gintama [2006]
2019-05-11 Gintama [2006]
2019-05-11 Gintama_银魂(2006.04)
2019-05-11 Gintama [2006]
2019-05-11 Gintama [2006]
2019-05-10 [HorribleSubs] Gintama - 255 [480p].mkvMKV
2019-05-10 [DDF] Kintama 04 (Gintama 256).mkvMKV
2019-05-10 [HorribleSubs] Gintama - 250 [480p]
2019-05-10 GintamaMKV
2019-05-10 Gintama
2019-05-10 [HorribleSubs] Gintama - 256 [480p].mkvMKV
2019-05-10 [HorribleSubs] Gintama - 253 [480p].mkvMKV
2019-05-10 [HorribleSubs] Gintama - 254 [480p].mkvMKV


日期 资源名称
2022-07-19 [jsum@U2版本]银魂 銀魂 Gintama 001-367&剧场版两部 [BDRIP]
2021-05-21 [jsum@U2版本]银魂 銀魂 Gintama 001-367&剧场版两部 [BDRIP]
2021-04-17 [jsum@U2版本]银魂 銀魂 Gintama 001-367&剧场版两部 [BDRIP]
2019-05-12 银魂 銀魂 (2006)
2019-05-12 Gintama S1+S2


西虹影视为您提供2006年由杉田智和 阪口大助 钉宫理惠 中井和哉 铃村健一 小林优 雪野五月 太田哲治 石田彰 高松信司 子安武人 山崎巧 清水理沙 茶风林 主演,高松信司 藤田阳一 松尾衡 宅野诚起 吉村爱 小仓宏文 宫胁千鹤 森胁真琴 南康宏 马引圭 山崎茂 畑博之 三宅和男 绵田慎也 吉村文宏 山田弘和 大脊户聪 菱川直树 宫原秀二 高木茂树 长滨亘彦 安藤正臣 导演的《银魂》/原名《銀魂》/又名《Gintama》影视在线观看,《银魂》百度云网盘资源以及《银魂》高清mp4迅雷下载,《银魂》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:In the early 17th century, Japan adopted strict isolation policies and severed almost all ties with foreign countries. In 1853, the US fleet commanded by Admiral Perry forced the doors open, leading to a modernization of the nation's sociopolitical systems and the eventual fall of the Shogunate. The samurai regime ended its life with the imperial restoration in 1868. That's what history tells, but in Gintama, that's not what happens. Instead of the US fleet, the country is stormed by spaceships coming from four corners of the universe and soon we see it occupied by extraterrestrials. The Shogunate has become a puppet of alien occupation armies. All samurais have been disarmed and reduced to temp workers with no skills who just try to make ends meet. Gintama is a story of a handyman named Gintoki, a samurai with no respect for rules set by the invaders, who's ready to take any job to survive. He and his gang, however, are also among the very few who have not forgotten the morale of a swordsman. Wherever they go, all they do is to create troubles. Troubles that they of course try to solve, but in reality...


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