Little Comrade(1919)


主演:Vivian Martin 尼尔斯·韦尔奇 Gertrude 



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西虹影视为您提供1919年由Vivian Martin 尼尔斯·韦尔奇 Gertrude Claire Richard Cummings 拉里·斯蒂尔斯 Elinor Hancock Nancy Chase Pearl Lovici 主演,切斯特·维希 导演的《Little Comrade》/原名《》电影在线观看,《Little Comrade》百度云网盘资源以及《Little Comrade》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Little Comrade》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Genevieve Rutherford Hale, a pampered youngest child, reads an advertisement for women to work on farms to increase food production during World War I. After having her modiste make silk overalls which Genevieve models on Russian ballet attire, she arrives at the Hubbard ranch in New York State with her chauffeur, maid, and pet dog, to be a \"farmerette.\" While Genevieve finds the chores difficult and the other girls unfriendly, Bobbie, the youngest Hubbard, discovers officer training camp to be equally discouraging. Although he is tempted to desert, Bobbie only leaves for one night to see his home again. He finds Genevieve crying in a potato patch, and together they resolve to do their patriotic duty. When a prying neighbor, seeing them together, tells the Hubbards that Genevieve was with a soldier, Genevieve remains silent about Bobbie's identity, and is banished from the ranch. After Bobbie gets a furlough and explains matters, the Hubbards apologize to Genevieve. Bobby proposes, and they plan to marry when he returns from \"over there.\"
