Papa's Sweetheart(1911)



导演:Bannister Merwin 


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西虹影视为您提供1911年由未知 主演,Bannister Merwin 导演的《Papa's Sweetheart》/原名《》电影在线观看,《Papa's Sweetheart》百度云网盘资源以及《Papa's Sweetheart》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Papa's Sweetheart》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:In the first scene we see a group of children at a window waiting for the arrival of their father. Following this we learn that the little family lacks a mother. The next scene brings us to a theater-box party. The father of the little family meets another woman. It soon becomes evident that he intends to marry again and at last he brings this other woman to the house. While he is present, she seems to be fond of the children, but once he is out of the room we see that her fondness is hardly skin-deep. Soon the mother's picture is removed from over the fireplace and evidently the new wedding will take place. Little Margaret, taking care of the children, finds them hard to amuse one day, and going up into the garret, finds some old clothes, in which they all dress. By chance she puts on the very costume which was used when her mother posed for the big portrait, now absent from its place over the mantel, and so it happens that when the father comes home at night, there comes down the ...
