
又名:Hang Kwai / The Blood Rules


主演:王敏德 关秀媚 林雪 吕颂贤 欧锦棠 王天林 任葆琳 田蕊妮 

导演:麦子善 编剧:王晶






西虹影视为您提供2000年由王敏德 关秀媚 林雪 吕颂贤 欧锦棠 王天林 任葆琳 田蕊妮 张小蕙 洪雪盈 姜皓文 林国杰 梁焯满 麦咏麟 炜烈 杨雄 主演,麦子善 导演的《行规》/原名《行規》/又名《Hang Kwai / The Blood Rules》电影在线观看,《行规》百度云网盘资源以及《行规》高清mp4迅雷下载,《行规》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

麦克(王敏德 饰)、小君(关秀媚 饰)、阿雪(林雪 饰)和小Q(吕颂贤 饰)是相识多年的好友兼搭档,小君一直喜欢着英俊潇洒的麦克,无奈麦克已经结婚,小君只能把这份爱恋深深的埋藏在心底。与此同时,阿雪也在默默注视着小君的喜怒哀乐。   某日,四人接到上司的指令,暗杀从台湾来到香港的黑帮头目三哥,在行动之前,麦克忽然宣布会在任务结束之后解散四人小组,小君和阿雪听后都感到十分不舍,唯有小Q虽然表面不露声色内心里却有着自己的注意。让另外三人没有想到的是,小Q并没有按照计划行事,而是提前出手想要独自干掉三哥,却被三哥的手下擒住。受不了酷刑的小Q供出了其他人的行动计划。
Plot Summary:Perpetrators Mike (Michael Wong), Jean (Suki Kwan Sau), Q (Jackie Lui Chung-yin), and Shoot (Lam Suet) make off with a briefcase full of diamonds, which they turn over to their boss, Uncle Lam (played by Wong Jing's father, Wong Tin-lam). He assures them that their next assignment will be a piece of cake: steal a valuable pearl Buddha bracelet from Taiwanese triad Chicken Sam (Yang Hsiang), who owes millions in gambling debts and is wanted by both his fellow gangsters and the law. Desperate to impress his girlfriend (Crystal Tin), who only cares about money, Q's spendthrift ways are endangering everyone's safety and Jean is falling deeply in love with Michael (who has a wife and son and seeks to maintain the facade of a happy marriage). Shoot, meanwhile, is in love with Jean, further compromising the team's ability to function as professionals. The Chicken Sam job goes awry, prompting a beleaguered Uncle Lam to sell Michael and company out, resulting in a bloodbath. The surviving assassins then set their sights on Lam, whose betrayal is a violation of the most basic rule in the underworld code.


  • 安旭先生

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