A Conversation with Enzo Castellari and Quentin Tarantino(2008)





《A Conversation with Enzo Castellari and Quentin Tarantino》(2008)原名《》字幕下载

Filmed during the week that Quentin Tarantino finished the first draft for "Inglourious Basterds," this is a one-to-one discussion between Tarantino and Enzo Castellari, the director of the the "Inglorious Bastards" (one of the English-language titles of the Italian World War II action film, "Quel maledetto treno blindato." Tarantino discusses how he first saw Castellari's film on TV and loved the title. Thereafter, Tarantino began to use the term "inglorious bastards" amongst his friends to describe a group of guys out on a mission. They discuss the history of Castellari's film and its production. They focus on Castellari's directoral process and anecdotes from the production. Tarantino expresses his love of Castellari's trademark use of slow-motion. They also talk about Fred Williamson as an actor and the first time that Tarantino met Williamson (at a gas station across a pump). Tarantino talks about how he was finishing the first draft of "Inglourious Basterds" and scenes and ...

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