哭泣的骆驼Die Geschichte vom weinenden Kamel(2003)

又名:The Story of the Weeping Camel


主演:Janchiv Ayurzana Amgaabazar Go 

导演:Byambasuren Davaa Luigi Falorni 编剧:琵亚芭苏伦·戴娃 Byambasuren Davaa


《哭泣的骆驼》(2003)原名《Die Geschichte vom weinenden Kamel》字幕下载 / 又名《The Story of the Weeping Camel》中文字幕下载

Springtime in the Gobi Desert, South Mongolia. A family of nomadic shepherds assists the births of their camel herd. One of the camels has an excruciatingly difficult delivery but, with help from the family, out comes a rare white colt. Despite the efforts of the shepherds, the mother rejects the newborn, refusing it her milk and her motherly love. When any hope for the little one seems to have vanished, the nomads send their two young boys on a journey through the desert, to a a backwater town in search of a musician who is their only hope for saving the colt's life.


日期 资源名称
2023-01-22 The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.ssa
2021-05-21 [哭泣的骆驼].The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.2003.SUBBED
2021-05-21 [哭泣的骆驼].The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.2003.SUBBED
2021-05-21 The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.2003.Big5.srt
2021-05-21 The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.2003.English.srt
2021-05-21 The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.2003.GB.srt
2019-05-12 [哭泣的骆驼].The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.2003.SUBBED
2019-05-12 [哭泣的骆驼].The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.2003.SUBBED
2019-05-12 The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.2003.Big5.srt
2019-05-12 The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.2003.English.srt
2019-05-12 The.Story.of.The.Weeping.Camel.2003.GB.srt
