寄宿学校疑云 第四季El internado(2008)

主演:马丁尼奥·里瓦斯 荣·冈萨雷斯 安娜·德·阿玛斯 



《寄宿学校疑云 第四季》(2008)原名《El internado》字幕下载

With one teacher banished and two others missing, the school gets a new teacher (Martin) along with his asthmatic son (Lucas, who, in addition, suffers from precognitive dreaming). Now fully accepted by all in the gang but Iván, Julia joins them in their latest excursion into the labyrinth beneath the school after Marcos finds evidence of his mother's presence. More evidence they find, but not her. A visit to a jeweler leads to a tip-off about the existence of someone Camilo thought long dead. Javier's latest mean prank leads to Paula believing herself cursed and deciding to live in the gnome's home to avoid further deaths to those she loves. Mario calls Héctor with some bad news. Elsa acquires Baby Samuel the old-fashioned way.

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