每日脱口秀The Daily Show(1996)

又名:The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

主演:Jon Stewart Stephen Colbert 

导演:Chuck O'Neil Scott Preston Andy Barsh 编剧:乔恩·斯图尔特 Jon Stewart/J.R. Havlan/Rich Blomquist/Jason Ross


《每日脱口秀》(1996)原名《The Daily Show》字幕下载 / 又名《The Daily Show with Jon Stewart》中文字幕下载

Providing comedy/news in the tradition of TV Nation and SNL's Weekend Update, Comedy Central's Daily Show reports on the foibles and of the real world with a satirical edge. In addition to news stories, the Daily Show also has celebrities (and semi-celebrities) on for interviews with the host, Trevor Noah. Lampooning everything from televangelists to Charlton Heston ("I did not play a homo in Ben-Hur"), and shamelessly assigning faux-news epithets ("Newt Gingrich: Giant Toddler") Kilborn, Winstead, and the crew actually manage to report some real news from time to time.


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