飞份之想The Theory of Flight(1998)


主演:海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 肯尼思·布拉纳 杰玛·琼斯 

导演:保罗·格林格拉斯 编剧:Richard Hawkins


梦想一飞冲天的李察一再闯祸,他从市中心银行天台一跃而下,失去爱情也失去自由;女友舍他而去,自己亦被判120小时社会服务令,就是照顾坐在轮椅上的珍妮。珍妮脾气古怪,满脑子奇异思想,她最大心愿是破解自己年届廿五的处女之身,李察计划抢银行来付帮女孩招男妓的费用。   最后,李察终于驾驶他那架一直在设想中能够飞翔的组装飞机,带着女孩飞越伦敦郊外的山丘原野,美极了。
Plot Summary:A dreamer who aspires to human flight is assigned public service after one of his attempts off a public building. This leads him to meeting a young woman, who is dying of motor neuron disease. The strong-willed woman admits her wish to be de-flowered before her death. The man, struggling to maintain his relationship with his girl friend, declines but offers to help pay for a gigolo to do the deed. The following events play off the inherent comedy and drama of the circumstances.


老皮 • 飞份之想

电影原名叫The Theory of Flight,台译为“飞份之想”;台湾佬很标榜文人气质的,所以