
心跳停止:good job

看前几集的时候一直觉得这就是一个很让人放松的小甜剧罢了但是看到7.8集的时候才发现我错了It's literally concerned about the gay group and try to show the difficulties and confusion they met. The tiny emotions and delicate sentiment have been presented which deepens the theme and content of series. Everyone is so true and I can feel their feelings only by simple lines and shots in that the director and the playwrighter know well about youngster's thinking. Young people have their troubles and negative thinking, and they may also worry about their existing or their relationship with friends even it is trivial for some adults. I really love this series because it's authentic. Charile and Nick are cute. Sometimes, the sight of Charile being hurt tugged at my heartstrings and cried. How couldn't you love him!?
They are not the ideal couple at first,like I believe before. The contradiction makes their story more moving. Moreover, the feelsdship bwteen Tao and Charlie reminds me of my experience in high school. My girlfriend envies one of my other friends
keeping close to me. It's really Happened! Tao is so real!

“东亚地区用幻想搭建耽美的空中楼阁,欧洲却是用改造现实为Happy ending堆积土壤”


又名:带走心跳 / 心跳漏一拍

主演:基特·康纳 乔·洛克 塞巴斯蒂安·克罗夫特 雅斯敏·芬尼  



Sparkle • 心跳
🙊 • 太甜了