

An immigrant story, entangled with familial structure, nationalistic bond, and the shifting new world of economic order - The new national/immigrant identity trumping the familial bond in blood (the original home) and thus it forebodes a tragedy (interesting fate). Wow I like this one more than the first. The first film is cinematic while this one is much more literary.

(The first half reminded me of Infernal Affairs and the entire film reminded me of Dream of the Red Chamber (never would imagine myself making an association of these two hehe). 看得我大喊树倒猢狲散!宗族制的分崩离析,这里的家族不仅是血统上的bonding还有国族和宗教上的bonding,旧制度新制度,大人时代变了,该散场了。

(Al Pacino怎么这么有和梁朝伟相似的气质!)

教父2The Godfather: Part Ⅱ(1974)

又名:教父续集(港) / 教父II

上映日期:1974-12-12(纽约首映) / 1974-12-20(美国)片长:202分钟

主演:阿尔·帕西诺 罗伯特·杜瓦尔 黛安·基顿 罗伯特·德尼罗  

导演:弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 编剧:弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 Francis Ford Coppola/马里奥·普佐 Mario Puzo


HeyMatt • 情节
Snowy • 教父2