The reason I come to see this film certainly is Leonardo.Recently,thanks to his new movie the Shutter Island ,I'm completely falling love in his performance.Sigh,I've watched this film,The Departed, in a different version twice,so inevitably the next action of actors always come to my mind beyond the plot developing .So I refuse to make any comments toward the plot.But,but,I still hold a deep admiration to Leo's acting skill.He has become very proficient in different roles especially in acting dualrole who is absolutely an complicated figure in dangerous situation with a contradictory psychology.But the language and darken images in this film discomforted me indeed.There must be a considerable amount of dirty words like "fucking""fuck""fuck you",The frequency of this kind of dirty words is so fucking high.(I tend to appreciating the elegant works's all.

无间道风云The Departed(2006)

又名:无间行者 / 神鬼无间 / 美国版无间道

上映日期:2006-09-26(纽约首映) / 2006-10-06(美国/香港)片长:151分钟

主演:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 马特·达蒙 杰克·尼科尔森 马克·沃尔 

导演:马丁·斯科塞斯 编剧:威廉·莫纳汉 William Monahan/麦兆辉 Alan Mak/庄文强 Felix Chong
